Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker
Ingrid Moyle – Keynote Speaker & Facilitator
Ingrid Moyle is a highly engaging, content-rich and thought provoking speaker, MC and facilitator.
Most Popular Keynote Speeches
Her most popular keynotes introduce accidental mid-life entrepreneurs to the most important elements, trends and strategies to grow their business. 30 to 60 minutes in length.
Book Ingrid for Your Next Event
Working with Ingrid, you get her 10 Point Success Commitment to:
Focus on Results
Work with you to deliver customised, relevant content that achieves your conference outcomes.
Support Your Delegates
Ingrid will provide a free weekly newsletter for each audience member to reinforce concepts and strategies.
Be Available
Ingrid will be available after the presentation to answer remaining questions that your audience may have.
Keep to Time
Ingrid will keep to her allocated time, and adjust if needed to ensure your conference stays on time.
Apply Adult Learning Principles
Ingrid will use a variety of interactive presentation techniques to keep attention and reinforce adult learning processes.
Be Responsive
Ingrid is available to answer or return your call (usually within a few hours) or respond to your email about any question you may have about her presentation.
Promote Your Event
Each week Ingrid shares her newsletter with thousands of people around the world. She is also active in Social Media including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. She will promote your event to her list, to help build awareness of your event.
Make Connections
Over the years, Ingrid has worked with a whole range of people – which means if you need help finding a great graphic designer, promotional product supplier or conference satchel collator for your event, she can recommend someone for you.
Meet Your Deadlines
Ingrid will deliver all marketing material you need to promote her presentation, audio-visual requirements, travel itinerary, personal introduction and handouts of key points, well in advance of your deadlines.

Website Tips & Tricks to Engage Clients & Increase Sales
The one skill you need above all others in business is the ability persuade people to buy your goods or services. But how do you do that in a way that doesn’t make you feel sleazy or want to offer a set of steak knives with your services?
At this event, you will discover strategies to engage clients and increase sales. Accidental Mid-Life Entrepreneur, Ingrid Moyle, will share practical tips on how to boost conversions on your website, as well as explore some of the latest neuromarketing research that sheds light on what makes people buy. And the best bit … these tips are simple, easy to apply and can be put in place in your business today!
What You’ll Discover:
- The 5 key questions everyone asks about your business before they even contact you (and how to know if you are turning people away before you have even spoken with them)
- Why Google’s searches are similar sending a vision impaired person out to shop for trousers for you
- Tips to find if your content is fresh or on the nose
- Strategies to build trust & remove risk
- The most common mistake most people make on their websites
How To Write Compelling Web Copy
The one skill you need above all others in business is the ability persuade people to buy your goods or services. But how do you do that in a way that doesn’t make you feel sleazy or want to offer a set of steak knives with your services? At this event, you will be taken on a journey into the copywriter’s cave, to help you discover the power of words to influence behaviour, build sales and create more productive work environments.
Accidental Mid-life Entrepreneur, Ingrid Moyle will share practical tips on how to power-up your words, as well as explore some of the latest neuromarketing research that sheds light on what makes people buy. And the best bit … these tips are simple, easy to apply and can be put in place in your business today!
Imagine being able to grab attention in a cluttered market, to confidently demonstrate your value to potential customers, as well as knowing how to implement the most potent form of marketing that is free and that almost no-one does well that hasn’t been trained. You will discover all this and much more at this fast-paced event.
What You’ll Discover:
- What REALLY makes you unique
- How to remove objections and build your credibility
- The 10 second test that tells you why you are attracting the clients you are (and what to do about the results)
- The easy way to create killer headlines

Testimonials Made Easy – The Ultimate in Free Marketing
Testimonials are some of the most powerfully persuasive tools on the planet, yet many business owners struggle with finding the right way to ask for them from their clients.
In this session you’ll:
- Understand the psychology behind testimonials and why they are so persuasive to buying behaviour
- Discover the secret questions to ask to gain the most powerful testimonials
- Explore the critical rules for every testimonial – break even one of these rules and you could end up in hot water
- Walk away with 7 simple techniques – all designed to make testimonial gathering a breeze
- Find out what to do when the client won’t give you a testimonial for a killer project you have completed