Website hacks are common. But what happens when 100% of all websites on one hosting server are hacked? Here's what...
Posts About Inspiration
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How To Adult: The Ingrid Edition
Have you joined the KonMari movement yet? I am now one of “those” people who Origami’s their undies and who goes...
Why Writing About Yourself is Like Applying Makeup Without a Mirror
I remember my first experience with lipstick. I was 3 and my best friend, Alison, and I had been left alone for a few...
On Achieving 20-Year Goals
It was late 1998: The type of summer’s day when the song of cicadas are the loudest noises on the planet, and the heat...
Lessons Learned from 15 Years in Business
Fifteen years ago, on the 1st of December 2003, I opened the doors to my fledgling small business. Running a small...
Why You Should Share What You Know (Don’t Hide The Secret Sauce)
The first 20 years of my career, I spent wearing corporate suits with super large shoulder pads, in a variety of...